The Rudyard Lake Trust

Our Trust, a registered Charity, ref 1056268 was formed in 1996 with the Objects being “to Conserve for the public benefit the natural environment of Rudyard Reservoir and its surrounding area including the flora & fauna of the area and to advance the education of the public in the said area”

The Trust has recently signed a new 50-year lease with the Canal & River Trust who own the working reservoir in order to continue building on its previous success of restoring and improving buildings & facilities for Rudyard’s many thousands of Lake Visitors & Users.

Our Trustees represent the County Council, Staffs Moorlands District Council, Horton Parish Council and several Lake User groups including Rudyard Lake Ltd, a Company limited by guarantee which was formed in 1995. The day to day commercial business is managed by the Company, deriving its income from Lake Usage and employing a full time Ranger Manager along with several part time staff and many volunteers without whom we would struggle to maintain the area’s infrastructure. Profits from the Company are passed to The Trust annually who then use the money as leverage to obtain Grants towards many diverse projects.

The Dam Head

Rudyard Reservoir

Off Lake Road


Staffordshire Moorlands

ST13 8XB


Tel 01538306280:Mob 07718 808881: email website