Borderland Voices

Borderland Voices, Arts for Health and Mental Well-being


  • Support the health and mental wellbeing of regular adult participants (aged 40-90) in the Staffordshire Moorlands via varied enjoyable arts activities. Participants make a (voluntary) £1-2 donation;
  • Employ local professional artist facilitators;
  • Promote a peer-to-peer participant support network, which functions both during and between workshops;
  • Encourage socialisation and support among participants, irrespective of any mental health diagnosis, to combat the stigma associated with mental health issues and counteract isolation;
  • Challenge stigma via displays, public events, publications, media coverage etc.
  • Pursue funding opportunities to maintain core services;
  • Engage in other local arts and community events, funds permitting;
  • Help to organise annual events for Mental Health Awareness Week;
  • Evaluate and improve our service.

Our weekly services:

Facilitated: creative writing (Tuesday 10.30-12.30) and expressive art (Tuesday 1.30-3.30)

Self-help: patchwork (Monday 10.30-12.30) and art (Thursday 10.30-12.30)

We give:

  • Smallish numbers of regular participants: fun; enjoyment; a sense of purpose; enhanced self-esteem; reduced isolation; improved arts-based skills in a wide-variety of media; a robust peer support network; reduced stigma. 
  • Local artists: employment opportunities.
  • The public: better understanding of mental health issues; appreciation of participants’ artwork.
  • Mental health professionals: networking; a referral pathway for their clients.


Many different participants contributed to the artwork featured; it was part of a project funded by a SW Peak Landscape Partnership Community Grant. 


(Mrs) Andy Collins

Borderland Voices

Community Arts for Health and Mental Wellbeing

Bank House, 20 St Edward Street

Leek  ST13 5DS


01538 528708