Biddulph U3A

Biddulph U3A. Learn….Laugh….Live

Nationally the U3A was founded in 1982 and has grown steadily since then.There are 1050 local U3As across the United Kingdom with over 444,000 members.

The U3A organises learning for people in their third age, that is who no longer have responsibility for children or full time work.

Members of Biddulph U3A can find friendship and fun by signing up for sessions run by volunteers who share their knowledge. Members can increase activity for example keep fit, organised walks, table tennis and bowls to name just a few. There are also classes to learn, enjoy company and increase knowledge a few examples are:-  Book club, Bridge, Mexican Dominoes,Drawing and Painting, Italian, Spanish, Card Making,Singing for pleasure and Sequence dancing. There are 40 or so classes running at the moment ,offering different activities and subjects. Biddulph U3A is based in Lund House in Lawton Street,Biddulph and holds activities in various venues within the Biddulph Community.

We very much look forward to meeting new members and more information can be found at>Biddulph or in in the library and Biddulph Town Hall.