Many residents have contacted Karen about some of the new government’s policies.
Winter Fuel Payments
One of these is the plan to cut winter fuel payments. Karen is totally opposed to this decision, which affects over 20,000 people in the Staffordshire Moorlands constituency, and has been campaigning against these cuts. If you haven’t already done so, you can sign the petition at: keepwinterfuel.com
Family Farm Tax
Karen is also opposed to the government's decision to impose inheritance tax on family farms and will do all she can to try to make the Chancellor change her mind.
Karen said,
" I have always stood up for our farmers and can see just what a dreadful impact this ill thought-out policy will have on so many farms in the Moorlands.
"I have also signed a letter to the Chancellor, together with other MPs, Lords & industry groups, calling on the Government to reverse this cut."
Finally Karen was able to speak against devolution during the debate on the King’s Speech, stating that we do not want to be in a unitary authority across north Staffordshire and want to keep our unique identity. You can see her speech here:
My final point relates completely to my constituency: the status of the Staffordshire Moorlands. We are a very proud and unique area. We are part of the Peak District national park. We have beautiful Churnet valley, which is desperate for area of outstanding natural beauty status. But we face challenges. We are concerned about what might happen with devolution, as we do not want to be in a unitary authority across north Staffordshire. We want to keep our unique identity. We do not want the green belt between our villages and the city built on. We want powers to ensure that locally elected people make the decisions on solar farm development, battery storage development, pylons and other local matters.
I urge the Government: please, no top-down targets; please, no imposition from above. Listen to the people on the ground. This matters to them. Staffordshire Moorlands needs to keep its unique identity.